Sunday, 3 May 2015

A bad mix

Fatigue and envy. A bad mix, a toxic mix if you will.
Envying peoples lives and wishing yours could be as exciting or adventurous, experiencing different achievements and goals.
Yet being so weighed down by fatigue all you can do is watch on from the sideline, or remotely in the palm of your hand as you swipe through peoples lives on fb etc..  
Today I am bored. I've forgotten what boredom feels like if I'm honest. I don't particularly miss it truth be told, but I guess my days are spent relatively 'busy' in the sense I'm never doing nothing, wishing I was doing something. Or I'm not sat about with nothing to do. Surprising really after 9 months out of work!
Each day consists of various goals and to do lists, no where near as exciting as things I see others doing.
If its not hospital or Drs appointments, its assessments or form fillings and postings and prescription management. Frustratingly I am out of sync with 2 out my 5 meds, this means I'm often either putting in a script a few days after I've just picked up. I can't get back on track or they suspect me picking up too many meds. I discovered earlier I'm not entitled to any help with prescription costs despite being unemployed and unfit for work. Rather odd given most are unfit for work through medical reasons and require medication. If I was on JSA or tax credits I'd be entitled... I spend over £40 a month on medication and that's just the prescription ones. I buy various vitamins, over the counter drugs too. Soon mounts up as my largest out going a month is my medication.
I'm going off on a tangent, my days, that's what I was writing about.
I think today just screams out as a boredom day. Weather is pretty rotten. The dogs are lazing about. Everyone is tired and has a real CBA attitude.
I joined husband on the food shop today. I took my chair as on a Sunday more often than not I have to wait for the sainsbury chair to become available, so I was able to get in the store without feeling I was gonna drop down from exhaustion, no blue badge means parking furthest from the store currently.
After wheeling up and down each aisle I am weary and by half way round my brain is mush and here's no point asking me a question as you won't get an intelligent reply!
Right now I could happily have a nap. But then it upsets my night sleep so I best not. Ive got a beef brisket in the oven and it smells divine. Husband is on chief lifting out the oven duty and I'm on ladle duty.
The sun is beginning to break through the grey clouds. Maybe the boredom will go with it? If nothing else, I'll go sit in the garden and admire this cheery little flowers. They brighten up the day.

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