Friday, 3 April 2015


Life. Quite a deep and poignant first start here!
But yeah life! Some times its wonderful. All colours and sparkles and glittery s***. Other times its cold, dark and cruel.
One person makes me feel of these things towards life when I think of her.
Today marks 5 years since a very good friend lost her enormous battle with cancer. 5 years since my phone beeped and those awful words were there in black and white. You'd gone.
She was the epitome of full colour/HD/ living life kinda girl. She was kind hearted and so gentle and wise. She was her sons universe. Not just his world. He has autism and she, quite literally was his everything. Then she was gone.

Refused a smear for over a year as she was under 25. Despite all the warning signs she was still refused as medical professionals deemed her too young to have cancer. As soon as she was 25 she had her smear. Within days she had the news she was stage 4.
She had just married her childhood sweetheart. Less than 11 months later she passed away.
She tried everything to fight it. But it had spread and took her.
Our little friendship bubble became duller that day. 03/04/2010
Always remembered Ally. Rest in peace sweetheart. Xxx

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